Zorin Krasul (8)Full unit name: Krasul, Zorin
Last updated: 31.05.2024 20:07:11
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Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Cathar
Sentient Species
Gender: Male
Known Facts (16)
The Senate Inquiry (2) »
  • Held a rank of Senator in Republic Senate
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Lieutenant, make yourself comfortable. On behalf of the Senate of the Galactic Republic, I want to thank you for appearing on such short notice for this informal inquiry.
    Just doing my duty, sir.
    I assure you we will not hold you from your duties any longer than necessary, Lieutenant.
    The purpose of this inquiry is to investigate the defection of several members of Republic Army Special Forces squad number 326, code named "Havoc Squad," to the Sith Empire.
    Now, you recently served in Havoc Squad on Ord Mantell, Lieutenant. Is that correct?
    We understand that your work requires a degree of secrecy, and I assure you nothing you say will leave this room. So please, answer truthfully.
    That's right, Senators.
    While serving on Ord Mantell, all of the members of Havoc Squad, excluding yourself, defected to the Sith Empire. Is that correct?
    Yes, Senator, my squad defected right in front of me.
    Now, did Commander Tavus or any of the other members of Havoc Squad show signs of, say... instability? Anger? Frustration?
    I don't believe there were any such signs, Senator.
    Lieutenant, let us speak hypothetically: Do you believe that anyone serving on Ord Mantell should have seen this situation coming?
    I don't think anyone could have seen this coming, sir.
    Commander Tavus and the others must have been quite subtle indeed.
    Yes, I see here that the man was demoted for his involvement in the incident... then placed under your own command? That's highly unusual. I have one final question, Lieutenant: What connection, if any, exists between the events that occurred on Ando Prime and Havoc Squad's decision to defect to-
    Senator, I would remind you that the circumstances of Ando Prime are classified and occurred before the lieutenant's involvement in Havoc Squad. You may ignore that question, Lieutenant.
    Tavus said the Republic left Havoc to die on Ando Prime. Is that true?
    As I said, Lieutenant, that subject is classified. You needn't trouble yourself about it.
    Zorin Krasul
    Your part in this inquiry is concluded. You may return to your duties now.
    Goodbye, Lieutenant.
  • Meteor, Arnus, Voralla, Aric Jorgan
Kidnapping of Senator Krasul (6) »
Public Relations (8) »
  • Held a rank of Senator in Republic Senate
  • Was held captive by Republic Defectors
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Zorin Krasul
    Who the- oh. You. I should've known Garza would try to keep all of this inside her twisted little family. Well, don't just stand there. You know how to defuse bombs, don't you? Wraith said they'll explode if I leave the room. She has a remote detonator, too, so be quick.
    This is how you treat your rescuer?
    Zorin Krasul
    Rescuer. Ha. You aren't here out of the goodness of your heart, you're here because Garza sent you here. Through gritted teeth, I imagine. That traitor was going to force me to go on record saying the Senate officially abandoned Havoc Squad on Ando Prime! They invaded Ando Prime and incited a massive, armed response from the Empire. Do you realize what will happen if this situation goes public? The Senate would be a firestorm - all of our judgments publicly called into question. And General Garza and SpecForce Division would be the first to burn.
    This is the Senate's fault, not SpecForce's!
    Zorin Krasul
    The Senate has done its duty. Garza's recklessness would reignite a war that the Republic cannot win.
    I'll admit, I'd like to see the look on that traitor's face when all of her bombs suddenly shut down. To watch that coward scurry away into the shadows when she realizes that her plans have failed would be priceless!
    Be quiet and let me work. Sir.
    Zorin Krasul
    Just be careful, or we're both dead!
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan
  • Was rescued by Havoc Squad
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Zorin Krasul
    Is it safe, now? Are all of the bombs shut down?
    I don't know about "safe," but the bombs are disabled.
    Zorin Krasul
    You know that's what I meant. I'm not a fool.
    Get on with it, Lieutenant. We've still got to get out of this disgusting place. Go on, lead the way.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan
  • Used H3 Heavy Rifle
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Ava Jaxo
    Well, look what we've got here, boys. Welcome to safety, Senator.
    Zorin Krasul
    Who in blazes are you? Mercenaries? This is ridiculous!
    Ava Jaxo
    Oh, yeah. General Garza hires mercs to rescue Republic Senators all the time.
    These people are SpecForce troops in disguise, sir.
    Zorin Krasul
    Now I almost wish they were mercenaries.
    Ava Jaxo
    So, you rescued our charming friend here, obviously. Nice work. Any luck taking down Wraith?
    Rescuing the Senator tipped her off - she ran for it.
    Ava Jaxo
    We had scopes on that warehouse from every direction- nobody saw Wraith slip out. She must be even better than they say. Wraith must be even better than they say. We were watching every inch of this place - nobody saw her leave.
    Zorin Krasul
    Is someone going to get me on a ship to Coruscant anytime soon?
    Ava Jaxo
    Oh, don't worry, Your Honorable Eminent Senatorness. You're catching a ride with us.
    Thanks for taking care of everything, Sergeant.
    Ava Jaxo
    No problem at all.
    Besides, we're going to have a fun time together, aren't we, Senator?
    Zorin Krasul
    Yes. Delightful.
    Ava Jaxo
    Hey- I know you need to contact Garza and report in, but you should come back by my place on Coruscant sometime soon. We'll have a little victory celebration. What do you say?
    A celebration might not be in the cards right now.
    Ava Jaxo
    If anybody can make it happen, it's you.
    Garza will want to hear from you ASAP, and we've got a ship to catch. Take care of yourself, okay?
    You too, Jaxo.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Ava Jaxo, SpecForce Trooper 1, SpecForce Trooper 2
  • Departed from Port Raga
"Your part in this inquiry is concluded. You may return to your duties now."
- Senator Krasul to Lieutenant Meteor

Zorin Krasul was the male Cathar
Sentient Species
in the Galactic Senate
Republic Senate
Galactic Republic
of the Galactic Republic
Galactic Republic
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
during the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
In 3643 BBY, he was a member of the Senate Defense Committee and participated in an informal meeting
The Senate Inquiry
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
where Lieutenant Meteor
Major Characters
testified about the desertion of members of Havoc Squad
Havoc Squad
(Republic Special Forces Division)
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
during the Mantellian Separatist Crisis
Mantellian Separatist Crisis
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Soon after the hearings he was kidnapped
Kidnapping of Senator Krasul
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
from his home by former Havoc's infiltration expert, Wraith
Supporting Characters
. She wanted Krasul to publicly acknowledge the events
Mission to Ando Prime
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
on Ando Prime
Ando Prime
, which would have destabilized the Galactic Senate's inner workings, because the mission was conducted illegally, with the Havoc Squad invading the planet and engaging Imperial forces without the consent of the Senate.
Wraith took Krasul to a remote space station called Port Raga
Port Raga
Space Stations
and help him captive until he was rescued by the Havoc Squad's new CO and Sergeant
Aric Jorgan
Supporting Characters
. Despite Krasul's bad attitude towards the Special Forces Division
Republic Special Forces Division
(Republic Army)
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
, Havoc Squad chose to save Senator's life at the cost of Wraith's escape - which didn't changed Krasul's mind at all.


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Republic Senate
Known weaponry
H3 Heavy Rifle
All characters this character met
Aric Jorgan
Ava Jaxo
SpecForce Trooper 1
SpecForce Trooper 2
Complete list

Full unit name: Krasul, Zorin Last updated: 31.05.2024 20:07:11